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-Why I am so bullish on it.

-Initial results, how long we’ve been on it, etc.

-Why marketers should start diversifying their spend onto it ASAP.

-Understanding how users are using the platform and what makes it so different from other apps.



-Breaking down our audience and creative testing process.

-How we are using their ACO feature to rapidly test creative.

-How to do research on the app to identify hot trends, hashtags, sounds, filters and more to incorporate.

-Handling rapid creative fatigue and becoming a creative testing machine.

-How to leverage the power of influencers with Spark Ads.

-Our process for scaling up the budget profitably with proven winning creatives and audiences.

-Switching from lowest cost to cost cap bidding to control CPA.

-Having steady stream of new creative being tested to combat rapid fatigue.

Be One Of The Very First Marketers In The World To Have A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking The Power Of TikTok Ads and Riding The Early Adopter Wave To Massive Profits

What You Will Learn:

We are on the cusp of another online Gold Rush like we were during the early days of Facebook ads. This masterclass is going to give you all the information you need to achieve some of the lowest CPAs I’ve seen in my career and scale profitably to the moon.

And So Much More...

Get the strategies needed to have a monumental year with TikTok Ads by investing in training today! 

Just a One Time Investment of $297

6 Reasons You Need To Be Part Of This Exclusive Training

2. TikTok is on track to become a true Facebook ad competitor and they are already seen as a threat. With ~1 billion monthly active users and a user base that is rapidly ageing up, TikTok has all the ingredients it needs to make a serious dent in Google and Facebook’s current duopoly.

1. Chances are a very large percentage of your ad budget is on Facebook, which means at any moment Zuck can shut you down (just like he did to me and countless others). You need to start diversifying your ad spend TODAY.

3. 50%+ of TikTok users have made a purchase after seeing a product advertised in the app, TikTok ads present a massive opportunity to scale. You will 100% get lower costs than on Facebook while reaching a massive user base that loves to shop online.

4. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of the next big thing online. Some of you may remember the early days of Facebook ads (all of you have heard stories) when it was basically like shooting fish in a barrel when it came to creating profitable ads. We are now seeing all the same trends and indicators with TikTok ads as we did back in the early Facebook ads days. Don’t miss another gold rush!

5. If you run an agency, take our word for it when we say that nearly every online business in the world wants to diversify off of Facebook and explore TikTok ads. We have been closing some massive brands at ultra premiums for managed TikTok ad services without having to do any selling because there is an insane supply demand mismatch right now. This training will give you the strategies and knowledge needed to start offering TikTok ad services and easily add 5-6 figures in monthly billing. 

And Most Simply...

6. You Want To Make More Money!

What The World’s Best Marketers Think of Max







TikTok Masterclass and Unicorn Innovations are not a part of or Tiktok inc. Additionally, TikTok Masterclass and Unicorn Innovations are not endorsed by Tiktok Inc. in any way. Tiktok is a trademark of Tiktok Inc. 

Disclaimer: Sales figures and campaign results listed above or in my marketing material are not typical and are the result of years of training, experimenting and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors. 

ClickBank Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

Refund Policy: We provide a ton of value and invest a lot of time into our students. Because we are so confident that you'll get a ton of value from this MasterClass, we offer a full refund for any students who don't see results from their TikTok Ads after implementing the principles covered in the course.

What does this mean for you?

If you can show us that you have applied the concepts that we've provided in the TikTok Ads Masterclass, and you were unable to generate a positive ROAS within 30 days of purchasing the masterclass, you will receive a full refund for your purchase.

For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.

If You Have any Issues Please Don't Hesitate To Reach Out To: 

Made In Sunny Florida @ Unicorn Innovations

The TikTok Ads Blueprint

The TikTok Ads Blueprint is an actionable, step-by-step, roadmap for how I run ads for some of the biggest brands in the world. 

Upon popular request. You will now receive the TikTok Ads Blueprint with your investment in the TikTok Ads MasterClass! 

"This course is 100% worth the cost. There is so much value and Max gives super clear and actionable steps on exactly how to get started and what’s working right now, and the outlines best practices and how to scale. Tons of value without any of the fluff. I’ve taken some FB courses where I was left with more questions than answers and this was so much better. I would have paid more." 

-Jackson Cunningham

Just Some Of Our TikTok Ad Clients...

What Our Members Are Saying




Just a One Time Investment of $297

Just a One Time Investment of $297

Just a One Time Investment of $297